Monday, September 30, 2013

As a Photo Journalism major it was very interesting to get to hear Josh Rushing, a former Marine, and Journalist for Al Jezeera. He definitely struck a cord with me speaking on his views on Journalism today, and his journey from Marine to Journalist.

His advice for young journalists headed out on their own was to find their own corner of the world and be the expert in that area start a blog or twitter on the subject. Get the information out there. Learn about the people, culture, and language. Sooner or later something will happen there and so will you. You will be contacted for information and stories and many doors will open up.

Naturally, I thought it was great advice because, for me, that country is Brazil. After meeting him I felt encouraged and inspired to return.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


So you know how when you were a child, and you photo-copied your face? Try playing with that scanner as an adult. You may find yourself with some cool photograms!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Market Place of Ideas

Here are a few blogs I am considering studying more closely:

This one calls to the hippy child in me, all natural do it yourself!

This is the holy grail of blogs for Photo Journalists, stunning layout and content.

This is a great resource for those needing to learn some tips, and how to's in Photoshop.

Recycling! I have become some what of a recycle-Nazi at home and I always enjoy learning more about it.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Everyone's a critic.

My Blog search has resulted in some great sites, that I can both admire and learn from:

One: A great travel/ photo blog with a fine Art feel.

Two: The creativity and narrative in this blog is captivating!

Three: This blog is inspirational to anyone wanting to hike the appalachian trial.

Four: A great read for all things outdoors.

Five: For any photographer interested in learning new lighting techniques!

Six: No one really needs to go to Facebook when Lamebook has put together all the funniest post and comment groupings.You'll laugh at other people's expense.

Seven: When you have nothing else better to do with your life.

Eight: For visual learners.

Nine: For the hipsters.

Ten: For children.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Billy the Kid was out of his mind.

    Growing up with countless cousins and friends who are left handed I couldn't help but think it was a bit strange. They all have to sit together at the dinner table as to not bump elbows, they all have a strange sense of pride that originates only in the fact that they are all in the "left handed club", and they just love to tell you that they are the only ones in their "right mind". They also happen to know a few handfuls of famous people who also happened to be left handed, I suspect to convince us "righties" they are destined for success.

     Recently, there has been a lot of talk about the Ferrotype photograph of Billy the Kid. The photograph, generally circulated throughout the 20th century, was the only known photograph of the Kid. The photograph shows the Kid holding a rifle on his left side. This led many to believe the Kid was left handed. Not only did people believe it, they made movies and biographies about it.

   For all my Photo- Nerds, you may have guessed, the Ferrotype is a mirror image. This type of photography, after processing, shows the exact mirror image of the subject. I can't help but think of just how many more of those famous lefties that really belong with us righties. You might all be the only ones in your "right minds", but the rest of us are enjoying being out of it. (as I am sure did the Kid)